Formation Actuariat et Economiste

Détail de l'annonce

Inscription encours. Etudier Actuariat au centre agrege de l Africa a yaounde Bastos Congratulations to all the GCE and Bac candidates who made it and those who did not this was not your time because Gods time is the chosen time. Mboa International University is the choice for your future. Visit our campus at Bastos or call 243589220 / 698020358 / 672339092 or email:
If maths or Economics or Science or Calculation is your passion then Actuaries is your choice. Risk is opportunity MBOA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY MIU
admission is open for the next session and on going at Bastos
call 243589220, 63082759, 678567610 or

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Nombre de vues : 658

Dernière visite le : 09/11 à 06:05

Référence : 49655